Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grand ave part 1

here it is, the first of many posts just showing how many cars in Oakland, CA have DISABLED blue cards. If you go by the ratio, almost half the people here are disabled, and we know this is not true.. just the beginning.. This is from a 2 block area along Grand Ave. It also seems that every business owner has gotten their hands on one.. You know, this makes parking for the rest of us a nightmare. Now this disclaimer: some of these posted cars may be legit so if you find your car here and are really disabled, I am sorry.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Intro to Corruupt Oakland parking.

Ladies and gentleman, in the next few days I will begin posting stills and video of all the thousands of disabled parkin cards in vehicles in the East Bay. You will be shocked and amazed at just how high a percentage of people in California are "disabled". If they really are, our society would cease to function.